

Goldendoodles are a mixture of a pure-bred Golden Retriever and a pure-bred Poodle. They rank in the top 5 most popular dog breeds to own. They are the perfect mixture of stunning looks, ideal personalities, high intelligence, the perfect amount of playfulness, and lovable demeanors. Goldendoodle breeders often characterize the Goldendoodle as the perfect family dog because they have the very best qualities of their parents combined with the fact that they are hypoallergenic, low-shedding dogs. Goldendoodles fit in incredibly quickly and well with their families and are thus, a great option for first-time pet owners.


Micro Mini Goldendoodle: less than 20 lbs

Mini Goldendoodles: 20-40 lbs

Standard Goldendoodles: 40+ lbs


F1: Golden Retriever + Poodle = 50% Golden Retriever & 50% Poodle

F1b (Most Common): F1 Goldendoodle + Poodle = 25% Golden Retriever & 75% Poodle

F1bb: F1b Goldendoodle + Poodle = 12.5% Golden Retriever & 87.5% Poodle

F1 Generation: Appearance can vary widely; moderate shedding; lower odds of genetic issues being passed down.

F1b Generation (Most Common): Most predictable coat and shedding level; hypoallergenic; this is the most ideal and predictable balance of looks, shedding level, and personality.

F1bb Generation: Even higher chance of being hypoallergenic; large percentage poodle so this generation will have personalities and looks most like a poodle.


Goldendoodles are known to be hypoallergenic, meaning that they are “relatively unlikely to trigger an allergic reaction” in an individual. There is no such thing as a zero-shedding or a completely hypoallergenic dog. However, Goldendoodles are very low shedding, which means they shed very infrequently; this allows for the dander (dead skin particles) to remain inside the hair instead of released into the air. This feature makes Goldendoodles a great option for individuals and families with allergies.


Goldendoodles can come in a variety of coat types. Their coats fall into 3 categories: Curly, Wavy, and Straight.

Curly: This coat type is most common for an F1b Goldendoodle. The curls can but looser or tighter depending on genetics. A Goldendoodle with a curly coat will need brushing often to prevent knots. This coat is most popular amongst individuals with allergies since the curly coat is the least and lowest shedding potential.

Wavy: Goldendoodles with a wavy coat can be low shedding. Make sure to check with your Goldendoodle Breeder to determine the parental genetics and thus, determine the likelihood of shedding.

Straight: Straight coats are not as common amongst F1b Goldendoodles. These coats are more likely to shed but require less grooming.


Goldendoodles most often have the high intelligence of their poodle parent and the friendliness of their Golden Retriever parent. They are ideal family dogs with their gentle demeanor and desire to be affectionate. They tend to be extremely loving dogs and highly social.


Goldendoodles have a ‘moderate’ energy level. Energy levels can vary depending on the Goldendoodle, but generally, Goldendoodles need daily exercise (at least 20-30 minutes daily) and mental stimulation so they don’t get bored.


Golden Retrievers are known to be extremely easy to train. Coupled with the Poodle’s high intelligence and eagerness to please, the Goldendoodle is an ideal dog to train. Temperaments and personalities can slightly differ, but generally, Goldendoodles are extremely good natured and learn very quickly!